Okuirede Medicine
It iimplies prevention and self-care as well as concentration of self-healing powers.
In the paradisiacal forest of Colombia in the middle of Putumayo, near the city of Mocoa, there are summer and winter camps for participants from all over the world, they are used to heal and deepen in the shamanic practices with native plants and shamanic techniques. Addictions and chronic diseases are treated.
This is perhaps one of the purest traditions of Colombia. Coming from the north of the country, from the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, the Kogi were never subjugated by the Spaniards. The mountain is known as the Colombian Himalayas.
This tradition comes from the African American towns of the Pacific coast of Colombia. The plant is not yet fully identified from the botanical point of view. The drink is used for its visionary power, its action is very soft and feminine. Shamans use this preparation to diagnose diseases and to heal.
Only experienced shamans can work with large doses, however, gentle preparations are used in sacred contexts or in order to know the personal, physical, social or emotional background of a disease. The plant helps to have lucid dreams, it can be used as an oracle and serves for personal protection.
Healing through the word.
Tobacco is a sacred and medicinal plant in South America, in the Amazon, a byproduct of this plant called Yera is often used, it consists of leaves of cooked organic tobacco with a special salt, of vegetal origin, that acts like filter and thereby eliminates the harmfulness of solanacea.
This preparation, produces body integration and deep concentration, this way you can arrive at the solution of complex individual and collective problems. It also helps to develop paranormal activities; Which are always present but not perceived; Such as intuition, precognition and synchronicity. This substance activates particularly the center of speech in the brain.
The coca leaf is used in Colombia, it is legal and gives strength to the communication. This plant is also an important food source with great therapeutic properties.
The Yagé is an ancient tradition of the indigenous tribes of the western Amazon. This preparation of the sacred plant produces a physical and emotional catharsis in which the visions are received as a direct "Message of the soul". Once the causes of disease are understood, manifested and assimilated, a deep integration and therefore a cure is reached. Ayahuasca is permitted in South America and the United States for religious purposes.
Conferences and Experiential Workshops are the two activities that Dr. Fabio Alberto Ramirez does in Europe. Germany is one of the countries that at least visits once a year. This approach to ancestral medicine is done through the practice of Duga without the use of coca leaves, which are replaced with tea of mate.
This plant allows to travel physically to the places that the shaman wants, it is the plant of the ecstasy, therefore, it opens the heart and allows to have answers; The heart in many traditions is a source of love and knowledge.
Healing can be a rewarding experience, certain types of movement create special conditions in the organism where health problems are solved.