Surgeon at the University of Caldas, former scientific director of the San José of Samaná Hospital, doctor at the Pediatric Department of the San Jorge of Pereira Hospital, doctor at the Risaralda mental unit. Since 1982 he has practiced privately in alternative medicine in Bogotá (Unicist homeopathy, neural therapy). Vocational training in ayurvedic medicine at the Body-Mind Center, Deepak Chopra, San Diego, California; Education in biological medicine and neural therapy with the Robles group of Popayán.

For more than twenty years, he has devoted himself to training in ethnomedicine (medicine in cultural comparison), a new discipline with a boom in Germany and other European countries such as Austria and Switzerland. Representative for Colombia of the Ethnomedic Institute of Munich Germany. For 12 years, he has been an international lecturer, who has participated in numerous meetings in Europe organized by Ethnomed and the Working Community (Ethnomedical Society).


Founder and director of the IITE Foundation

IITE is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Colombian heritage, a country where 87 indigenous languages are spoken: the first human settlements took place more than 25 thousand years ago, that is, the history of the encounter and discontinuity of the discovery of cultures And conquest, would only play the role of 15 minutes in a 24-hour day (Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff). IITE means: ie, what is achieved with difficulties, TE comes from tefonai, the ancestral, the latent. IITE means HOPE and in summary it means: With commitment, with effort, awakening the latent, the ancestral.

The Foundation aims to preserve indigenous knowledge, preserve responsible contacts with ancestral cities, and use traditional knowledge as a tool to solve the many problems of Western society..



  • Director of the San José Hospital, Samaná Caldas 1978.
  • Pediatrics physician of the San Jorge Hospital in Pereira 1979.
  • Mental unit physician in the San Jorge hospital in Pereira 1982.
  • Participant at the Lebenskraftmesse in Zúrich and in the PSI Tage in Basilea, Switzerland.
  • Guest by the Sommeruniversität organized by Tamera in Portugal.
  • Lecturer in Prague, Czech Republic and in several meetings in Vienna, Austria.
  • Exhibitors at the World Congress of Etnomedicine organized by Ethnomed (years 1997-1998-1999-2001-2002-2003-2004-2005-2006-2007-2008-2009).
  • Participant in the PSI Tage in Basilea, in the Lebenskraftmesse, Zurich 2005 - 2006 and in Praga 2006 meeting organized by Regenerace.
  • Lecturer in Calumed, Berlin, Germany.
  • Lecturer at the university of Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Exhibitor in el Teachers Collage, Columbia University, New York.
  • Participant in the summer academy in Tamera , Portugal.
  • Director of several workshops in Switzerland, Germany and Austria.


  • Spanish.
  • English.
  • German.
  • Huitoto ( Basic knowledge ).